Pearl STS Session Studio Select - 20"x14" Bass Drum
Hey there, sad news...we've shut down shop permanently. So you won't be able to score any drum gear via the website anymore.
Hey there, sad news...we've shut down shop permanently. So you won't be able to score any drum gear via the website anymore.
For over a quarter century, Pearl's Session Series drums have yielded some of the most harmonically vibrant recorded drum tones ever captured in the studio environment. Returning with a custom upgrade from the boutique-level Masterworks spectrum, new Session Studio Select drums shift to the classic shell blend that made them an artist favorite.
The Session Studio Select shell is a thin, 5.4mm EvenPly-Six combination of Masters-grade Birch and African Mahogany. The controlled punch of Pearl's fresh 60-degree bearing edge delivers a blend of pre-EQ'd clarity and tonal warmth.